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Recent content by Andrew D

  1. Andrew D

    New Project, 500G fish only!

    Hi everyone, work and life has been busy so I've not had much free time to fiddle with the tank or post about it's progress. Probably for the best because it is REALLY REALLY hard to pace yourself with a new tank especially when you already have some livestock waiting to go in! I love my reef...
  2. Andrew D

    Looking for light!

    Hi Steve, I have an AI Prime if you still need one, always interested in coming down to take a look at your farm system!
  3. Andrew D

    Calvin’s Lagoon

    nice, and very good advice. I had a bad experience over-relying on my salinity checker so will now always check with multiple instruments, it's pretty rare for all to go south at the same time. I might have missed it, but what size is your tank?
  4. Andrew D

    New Project, 500G fish only!

    LOL Luigi, does it ever really end? It's been a while since I've posted and while progress has been slow I finally finished the cabinetry around it and have also started to move my fish over. The water I used was a mix of fresh and aged from my reef tank, and most of the rocks were in water...
  5. Andrew D

    fish for sale

    Hi Luigi, if the coral beauty is still available I'll take him. Is he a nibbler, is that why you're getting rid of him? He'd go in my fish only so it's no bother to me.
  6. Andrew D

    glass or acrylic box

    Hi, I'm looking for a small box, glass or inert plastic, that I can use to create a level water level for my skimmer in my sump, because I can't otherwise regulate water level. Needs to be less than 14 by 20 inches and at least 14 inches high. Thanks, Andrew
  7. Andrew D

    New Project, 500G fish only!

    Thanks guys. I told you I'd be late in posting update to my build thread. Work has been busy and I've been sick/tired so I've not made much progress. I did end up changing the aquascape a bit, actually connected the second island to the main one, looks a lot better. Although I love the...
  8. Andrew D

    New Project, 500G fish only!

    Hi everyone. Life is busy and I don't have a lot of time (or frankly at my age energy) for long build threads but I do plan to post some pictures of my progress on this site. Although not as well travelled as some, it's local, friendly and frequented by some who've been to my place and I've...
  9. Andrew D

    Lesson learned

    That really sucks Steve, I feel bad for you. I'm sure everyone has had this happen at least once, but most of us don't have the beautiful tank that you did. It will come back, no doubt, If there is anything I bought from you that you lost and want back let me know.
  10. Andrew D

    B-ionic alkalinity component

    Thanks Tony, I ended up finding some.
  11. Andrew D

    Container for sump

    Thanks very much Tony. What's the diameter of the base and do you think they'd retain their rigidity if I cut them down to say 18 inches?
  12. Andrew D

    Almost ready

    I don't know if I'm looking in the right place but I don't really see it. I do really like the rock work and the backdrop, gives it great perspective. Nice job!
  13. Andrew D

    Hi Codie, depending on size and look I'd be interested. Not sure what you're looking for but...

    Hi Codie, depending on size and look I'd be interested. Not sure what you're looking for but does 150 bucks sound fair?
  14. Andrew D

    Looking for advice on two topics

    I've always heard that the flow through the sump should be a fraction of your in-tank flow, to reduce noise and splash but also give whatever equipment you have in the sump time to do it's work properly. That said I think it's more a matter of personal taste and how many powerheads you want in...
  15. Andrew D

    Container for sump

    Hi again. Does anyone know if these rubbermaid bins are food grade and reef safe? I sent a question to their customer care people but have not yet heard back. Dimensions are perfect....