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Search results

  1. C

    LOCALLY Aqua Cultured Pieces & Essentials Continued.....050721.....Shipment of Fish & Inverts INBOUND - Stay Tuned.....

    Please click on LINK for Pictures, Details & Weekend Specials: https://mailchi.mp/b923b3ddea72/locally-aqua-cultured-pieces-essentials-replenished050721
  2. C

    LOCALLY Aqua Cultured Frags & Essentials Replenished.....043021.....

    LOCALLY Aqua Cultured Frags & Drygoods have been replenished.....043021. Please click on LINK for pictures, video & WEEKEND SPECIALS: https://mailchi.mp/38da32fdb5d3/locally-aqua-cultured-frags-essentials-replenished043021
  3. C

    Locally CAPTIVE BRED Seahorses & Essentials Replenished.....042321

    Please click on LINK for details, pictures, video, & Weekend Specials: https://mailchi.mp/c32cd1a010ef/captive-bred-seahorses-essentials-replenished042321
  4. C

    Neptune Drygoods have been replenished & Yellow Tangs for sale!

    Neptune Grow Light $180 PMUP with Power Supply $70 PMUP withOUT Power Supply $55 Remind us that you're a ReefEscape member....we'll price match with an authorized online Canadian retailer. Thanks for the inquiry.
  5. C

    Neptune Drygoods have been replenished & Yellow Tangs for sale!

    Neptune Drygoods have been replenished & Yellow Tangs for sale! Please click on link for Pictures, Details, & Weekend specials: https://mailchi.mp/56157fb20a32/neptune-yellow-tangs041621
  6. C

    Clowns, Corals & UPDATED CURBSIDE Hours.....040921

    Please click on link for Pictures, Video & Weekend Specials: https://mailchi.mp/4fbb4b462882/clowns-corals-updated-curbside-hours040921
  7. C

    Easter Weekend Sale & UPDATED COVID-19 Hours.....

    Please click on link below for pictures & details: https://mailchi.mp/157559a4ce87/easter-weekend-saleupdated-covid-hours040221
  8. C

    LIVE Copepods, LIVE Phyto, LIVE Rotifers & Reef Nutrition has Arrived.....032621

    Please click on link below for pictures, details & weekend specials: https://mailchi.mp/c489d77108a2/live-copepods-live-phyto-live-rotifers-reef-nutrition-have-arrived032621
  9. C

    Philippines Fish & Inverts Have Landed.....031921

    Please click on LINK for Details, Pictures, Videos & Weekend Specials: https://mailchi.mp/1cd490d6a342/philippines-fish-inverts-have-landed031921
  10. C

    PE Mysis, Euphyllia, Drygoods Replenished & Weekend Sale.....031221

    There's no way of responding to that question without getting a laugh or being self-incriminated. 🤷‍♂️:ROFLMAO:
  11. C

    PE Mysis, Euphyllia, Drygoods Replenished & Weekend Sale.....031221

    Please click on link for further details: https://mailchi.mp/91a83d499e7d/pe-mysis-euphyllia-dry-goods-update-weekend-specials031221
  12. C

    Locally Aqua Cultured Frags & Corals.....030521

    Please click on Link for further Details: https://mailchi.mp/6b6d32ca30e8/locally-aqua-cultured-frags-corals030521