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Search results

  1. Luigi

    DIY Coral food

    Hi all I just watt to share My DIY Coral food, A while ago user to feed home raised phytoplancton Then got bored and NoT so muco time in My hand So i quit , I look for alternative, and one of them mentioned spirulina Whish is found also in "Fuel" Well I was already using it In My protein shakes...
  2. Luigi

    Quick diy frag holder

    While I was doing tank maintenance I bumped a couple of corals Of course a few frags were born 😁, Anyway after gluing them I didn't want to put them back right away, I wanted the glue to harden a bit, and I know that my Hippo tang will grab anything new and throw them around the tank 😖😖😖😖 Soo...
  3. Luigi

    Happy Easter! To you all

    Happy Easter guys and girls dont drink and drive...
  4. Luigi

    DIY dual float switch top off

    The reason of the 2 switches is that with the single switch the solenoid of the RO would go crazy (on/Off) many times a day, yes it will maintain the water at constant level but.. Definitely shortening the life of it, So with 2 you can decide how much the water has to evaporates before...
  5. Luigi

    A little brag after a few years

    Hi guys really this is a brag My tank has been stale for a few years I was in a verge of selling it, but thanks to Tony convinced me to keep it, Around Christmas I lost a gorgeous birdnest of paradise...and 2 tricolor acros They got white but it wasn't STN or RTN, they just dropped the...
  6. Luigi

    A Good nitrate test kit

    Hi guys as the title says Which one are you using? I'm using the API kit but it does not read below 5.0 Does anybody use Nos? Thanks
  7. Luigi

    Looking for copepods/arthropods

    Hi guys since last crash, and I bleached everything... I haven't seen a copepod or an arthropod, ( no wonder why 🙄) Anyway is anybody who has a bunch for sale or trade? I want to repopulate the tank again, Thanks
  8. Luigi

    Diy one hour led light

    Hi guys I haven't been around the site for awhile. Work related situation, Anyway I want to post a DIY that happened tonight, It took literally one hour First of all I want to say thank you to all our Sponsors, what nice guys! From the closest one to the further one. For this DIY...
  9. Luigi

    For Diy or just needed

    Hi guys I was at princess auto and I saw this surplus of items Sometimes is so hard to come around so I'm going to post it, Syringes and needles of all sizes
  10. Luigi

    Randy's NEW 2 part dosing ( for real only 2)

    CALCIUM- MAGNESIUM : 500 g of calcium chloride dihydrate plus 261.2 g of magnesium chloride hexahydrate ( optional 8.3grams of strontium chloride in a total of 1 gallon.). ALKALINITY- SULFATE : The Alkalinity and Sulfate Part Dissolve 374.7 g of sodium carbonate (594 g of baking soda that...
  11. Luigi

    Dosing kalk ( Calcium Hydroxide)

    For people who are dosing Kalk, (I still do) This is the formula if you want to a full kalk saturation: KALK: The saturation point of kalk is 2 tsp/gallon dilute with 50 ml of white vinegar. Otherwise just 2 tsp in 2 gallons of water stirr.drip.
  12. Luigi

    Randy's Original 2 part dosing

    ALKALINITY : 2 1/4 cup of baking soda Baked at 300F for 1 hour Pour into a gallon container and fill with RO CALCIUM : 2 1/2 CUPS of calcium chloride Into a 1 gallon container and fill with RO MAGNESIUM : 3 cups of magnesium sulphate ( Epsom salt And 5 cups of magnesium chloride Into a...
  13. Luigi

    Luigi's 125 changes

    Hi all I will describe the changes of the tank in the last few years, In the old ReefEscape I posted about the build, Can't find the fotos on my phone probably are in the computer... Any who ... This is before the Crash☹️☹️☹️
  14. Luigi


    ANY researchers? industrials? or Lab? hi guys I have been gettig chemical from US most of them dont ship anymore last trip last year got some down there,and we cant drive down there ...... anyway we are surrounded with chem company and one of them is in Burlignton they have EVERYthing... I...