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  1. Will Penfold

    cycling a tank.

    I'd use the bottled bacteria for sure. Used to think it was snake oil, but have used it in my past two tanks and my cycle was over in less than a week each time. Used BioSpira both times, however I've also heard good things about Microbacter & Dr.Tims....Microbacter and Biospira are cheaper...
  2. Will Penfold

    want to try a monti?

    Cool thanks man!
  3. Will Penfold


    What are your nitrates currently at? and how old is the tank? is it newer?
  4. Will Penfold

    UV sterilizer

    Nice. That looks like a good plan!. Mine's a bit different, where instead of reconnecting to the one return line, I just have a 2nd return line from the UV back into display, however you plan accomplishes the same thing.
  5. Will Penfold

    Frags for sale/trade

    interested. messaging you.
  6. Will Penfold

    want to try a monti?

    Hey Luke, any monti left? if so I'd like to grab a piece off you.
  7. Will Penfold

    New 90 gallon tank

    Updated shot of the tank. Starting to fill it in with mostly softies. Thanks to Cliff for the RBTA. In typical anemone fashion, it picked an inconvenient spot to stay.
  8. Will Penfold

    Clowns and Anemone

    In my old tank, had about 8 RBTA's and a pair of Ocellaris. In the 3ish years the tank was running, my ocellaris never hosted in an anemone.
  9. Will Penfold

    Steph’s Little 40 Gallon

    thats amazing! very lucky it happened so quickly!
  10. Will Penfold

    Caulerpa- horror stories?

    Thanks Limey and Cliff for offering some razor leaf. Will gladly take some. Do you want anything for it? Also when could I pick some up?
  11. Will Penfold

    Caulerpa- horror stories?

    Hey Limey, where did you happen to acquire razor leaf algae? I've done some searching online and can't find much on it.
  12. Will Penfold

    New 90 gallon tank

    Which one? the red coris or grey head? all the same, yeah both are great. also have a yellow coris wrasse & sixline. really like wrasses lol
  13. Will Penfold

    Caulerpa- horror stories?

    Razor leaf algae eh? I'll have to look into that. I feel like the potential risks of caulerpa outweigh the benefits
  14. Will Penfold

    Caulerpa- horror stories?

    yep thats a caulerpa horror story if i've ever heard one. yikes!
  15. Will Penfold

    refugium lighting......

    Feel your pain on that one. I've struggled to grow chaeto before as well. This time around I bought a kessil H160 refugium light.....and it hasn't helped at all. my current chaeto certainly isn't growing. Not shrinking either, but not growing.
  16. Will Penfold

    Steph’s Little 40 Gallon

    Great looking RBTA you've got there. Looking forward to seeing more of your tank as you post its progression :)
  17. Will Penfold

    Caulerpa- horror stories?

    Luke's post on refugium lighting got me thinking about macro algaes. Does anyone use grape caulerpa as their macro algae of choice? I've heard horror stories of it going sexual and overrunning a tank. Anyone experience that? or have overall good luck with it? In my previous tanks I always...
  18. Will Penfold

    Easy stuff for rehoming

    Interested in some of all three. Will pm you
  19. Will Penfold

    Our mascot

  20. Will Penfold

    Steph’s Little 40 Gallon

    Fair enough. As a suggestion, perhaps look into either matrix or marine pure. they provide a ton of surface area for nitrifying bacteria to populate.