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Search results

  1. Luke_L

    want to try a monti?

    i have to thin out my red monti cap, i am using way more alkalinity than i like.... personally i would consider red monti cap a beginner sps.... they are a little more forgiving than most.... if you want to try it out.... let me know... come pick some up.... free of charge.... just dont let me...
  2. Luke_L

    Apparently i let my bulbs Go too far... lol

    Recently, i wasn't getting the growth i normally get, and even my grandis palythoas didn't look happy.... i shrugged it off and kept testing water.... meanwhile i knew that my bulbs where about 14 months old, (i run long hours too) finally i got into a discussion with Steve at Niagarafirecorals...
  3. Luke_L

    Apex users... Ever forget your skimmer on manual on?

    so often i forget my skimmer on the manual on..(when doing tank maintaince i turn it on manual on otherwise it is flipping on and off while i am playing with water levels) . then few days later the skimmer cup gets full... the float switch is activated.... and skimmer keeps pumping onto the...
  4. Luke_L

    showing off my DIY magnetic stirrer....

    i repurposed some old parts from my khg... i built a megnetic stirrer... i never thought testing tank water could be so easy...
  5. Luke_L

    Blue Barrel source of phosphates?

    Looking for a source of my p04, as lately I noticed i seem to have some unexplained p04. Yesterday I thought I would test a fresh batch of saltmix, From experience I know there is no point in inserting that into the hanna, blue is over scale... lol So I checked tds of source water, 0.00, Then i...
  6. Luke_L

    Swimm Bladder Issue?

    well... had this Bi-color angel for 5 if not 10 years.... i noticed today it is having troubles staying verticle in the water... still eating, still nipping at corals (lol) still swimming around aggressively... just wondering if anyone has any input? mr.wilson
  7. Luke_L

    Wanted: phosban reactor.

    Looking for a 150 size phosban reactor if anybody's got one they want to sell
  8. Luke_L

    Looking for this mesh

    Anyone seen this mesh anywhere I have to build a protective cover for my fish now that I have removed my canopy
  9. Luke_L

    Beer can sized peice of green elk horn.

    My fish were horsing around and they snapped off of beer can size piece of green Elkhorn from My Mother Colony. 40 bucks takes it
  10. Luke_L

    refugium lighting......

    i know i have asked 100 times... but what is everyone using for refugium lighting.... i cant grow cheato to save my life.... i am about 1 click away from buying that new grow light that apex is pushing now.... doesn't matter if i have .09 po4 and 5 ppm nitrate, still cant grow cheato.
  11. Luke_L

    Luke's 220

    I was getting tired of not being able to access my tank easily... I had to remove the canopy, I was tired of it.. Now I should be able to clean reflectors too... lol
  12. Luke_L

    Our mascot

    This is our mascot
  13. Luke_L

    Fusion update on March 10 causing notification.

    This was cut and pasted from their page. MODULE MISSING BADGE IN APEX FUSION INFORMATION: On 3/9/21 an update to Apex Fusion happened that added some new features. The update occurred to support our recently announced GRO Refugium light and add some other small features. One said feature...
  14. Luke_L

    How to turn an old tablet into a webcam

    well i had a Old tablet that i turned into a Apex terminal. Works awesome too that involved turning on developer options in the tablet, in order to turn on "keep alive" so it never goes to sleep... then i wondered if there was a way to turn on the camera in the back of the tablet so i can...
  15. Luke_L

    Spring must be in the air...

    It must be that time of year... or atleast my clowns think it is... lol I use lunar cycle, and sun command... and until 3 weeks ago I used the seasonal temp variation... clowns are getting ready to spawn.
  16. Luke_L

    Best Rookie/newbie goof up....

    Alright.... just to kick it off.... Photo Contest for the best Rookie/Beginner Screw up! lol 30 days.... Winner gets a huge frag of Birds Of Paradise! Reply with your submissions
  17. Luke_L

    My Last Meeting....

    I guess its time for me to throw another meeting (once this covid is over with)... just found these pics, the last time i hosted was 9 years ago.... i had 75 clown fry....
  18. Luke_L

    Instagram tag added to user profile

    there is now a place to add your instagram identification so members can find your instagram account easier... i cant remember who asked for that....
  19. Luke_L


    Due to popular demand.... Reefescape 2.0 has added the Tapatalk Plugin... Enjoy! I am not familiar with the google app... in order to find the forum i had to put full domain... with https... "Https://Reefescape.ca"
  20. Luke_L

    Want to clean up sand bed... dont wanna crash... 😱

    I want to clean up the sand bed.. years of fish breaking off sticks, led lenses falling in, clean up crew dying. I cant simply reach the bottom... tweezers would be painstakingly long. it's a mess. I bought a kitty litter sifter from dollar store .. if I dont sift too deep think I can get away...