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Search results

  1. Luke_L

    Reef Chemistry Calculator...

    Find yourself in a pinch and need to bump Alk , Ca or Mg? you can use this calculator.... Fairly simple, designed to calculate reef chemistry additions for Calcium, Alkalinity or Magnesium using commercial products or standard chemicals http://reef.diesyst.com/chemcalc/chemcalc.html
  2. Luke_L

    Reefescape Emails flagged as spam

    Email relays do not particularly like Forums, as they generate a lot of mail.... during the first 2 days of operation, we have been cut off by smtp email relays in as many days. In order to rectify this situation the server is now handling its own email. that being said, the ISP for the board...
  3. Luke_L

    P04 test with Hanna checker

    After using the Hanna checker for 10 years, I have figured out a reliable consistant way to perform the P04 test. I demonstrate how I perform the test in the video below.
  4. Luke_L

    test message

    just testing...